Representing Painters With Work-Related Injuries
Painters play a vital role in completing nearly every construction project. Anytime a commercial building is built, someone will have to paint the inside of the building. In New York City, it is also very common to see painters working on bridges.
Most painters spend a substantial portion of their day working on scaffolds or ladders anywhere from a few feet off the ground to over a hundred feet above the ground. The risks associated with a fall from such a great height are obvious. Even falls from a few feet can cause serious injuries, however.
In New York, the law recognizes the many risks involved for painters and construction workers working on scaffolds and ladders, and provides special legal protection for workers who are injured while working at a height. Consequently, people who are injured in these jobs, such as painters, often have additional legal remedies besides workers’ compensation.
If you are a painter and were injured in a work-related accident, it is critical to consult with knowledgeable legal counsel about your injuries.
At Arye, Lustig & Sassower, P.C., we are local leaders in construction accident cases. Our experience representing injured construction workers and painters is nearly unmatched.
Personal Injury Lawyers Helping Painters And Their Families
Painters can sustain serious injuries in all sorts of circumstances. In addition to falls, painters can sustain injuries from falling objects on a job site. These injuries can be disabling, preventing you from ever working again.
However you were injured, our law firm will take decisive action geared toward maximizing the overall value of your claim. When necessary, we enlist the service of knowledgeable experts in a variety of fields to prove your case.
Further, we prepare every case with the intention of taking it to trial. Our lawyers have found this is the only way to give our clients the best chance of recovering the compensation they will need now and in the future. Our history of positive outcomes, both in settlement and in trial, shows the wisdom to our approach.
Contact Arye, Lustig & Sassower, P.C.
Call us locally at 212-732-4992, call us toll free at 800-574-4LAW or complete our online contact form to schedule your free initial consultation. We accept all injury and wrongful death cases on a contingent fee basis.